Written at 8:47 PM on Friday, November 30, 2007
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Women may have a reputation as the chattier gender, but research into the matter shows that men may actually be a little more talkative than women—though it all depends on the situation.
Psychologist Campbell Leaper of the University of California Santa Cruz conducted a review of research into the topic spanning from the 1960s to today and which is detailed in the November issue of the journal Personality and Social Psychology Review. The studies Leaper examined looked at talkativeness and different types of speech under a range of social situations and comparing mixed-gender and same-gender conversations.
One clear point that emerged from all the studies was that the type of activity people were engaged in influenced how much they talked.
"So even though on the average we're finding a slight trend toward men being more talkative than women, we found larger differences when you looked at particular situations," Leaper said.
During decision-making tasks, men were more talkative than women, the studies showed, but when talking about themselves or working with children, women were more talkative than men.
Leaper said that these gender differences could have to do with differences in gender socialization; typically, women are socialized to be more comfortable talking about their feelings, while men are socialized to be dominant and take charge.
"One gender isn't inherently more talkative than the other, it's just that a lot of times it depends on the situation and gender role influences," Leaper said.
A recent study in the journal Science that recorded conversations of university students supports Leaper's idea, finding that on average, men and women used about the same number of words per day. (Leaper said that studies that used this measure of talkativeness tended to find less difference between men and women than studies that looked at how much time people spent talking. In these latter studies, men used up more time in the conversation than women, Leaper said.)
Talkativeness was also influenced by whether a person was talking to someone of their same gender or the opposite gender.
"Men tend to be more talkative than women, but particularly when they're interacting in mixed-gender settings," Leaper said, explaining that this could also be a result of men traditionally being socialized to dominate. The situation was reversed when looking at different types of speech, specifically assertive (used to achieve dominance and goals) and affiliative (used to connect to others): differences emerged in how much these
types of speech were used when comparing two men talking to each other to two women conversing than when a man and a woman were talking.
These differences have actually declined with time though.
"In terms of styles of communication, gender differences are decreasing," Leaper said. "My interpretation is that it reflects the historical changes in gender roles," with women coming into the workplace more and men being more open about their feelings.
men are also talkative..so it means that men shouldn't keep on saying that girls are more talkative and say that girl make so much noise...and even whaen girls talk in KTM,do not blame it on the girl....

my mum just cut my hair for me just now.....see...i'm so brave...i finally cut my hair d.....besides that,my mum don't have any cert for cutting hair one ok...and i let her cut my hair..how brave am i?feel so proud of myself....wakakaka!!!but it really is kinda short d now....yesterday,after my mum said she'll cut my hair in the morning,at night when i sleep,i had a nightmare u know....i dreamt that my mum cut my hair at chest length and i cried...in my nightmare ok....i've always been really frightened of haircuts because last time,a hairdresser cut my hair so damn short.....well,but i didn't cry just now....haha!!so brave la me....haha....am i not brave? *better say that i am lo* on the 15th,i'll be having a dinner..maybe then,i'll go set my hair..wakaka!i wanted to do my hair like a girl in the p&co advertisement one...btw,i'll be going for holiday for a few days and during that time,i won't be updating my blog...so,should be patient and wait for me to be back o...btw,being the poor person i am,i shall not have any money to buy any souvenirs...wakaka!and since i'll be only going to our neighbouring country,i think everyone also wouldn't want any souvenirs lo...not like some people go australia,south korea,china,taiwan and so many places....have fun guys and REALLY don't forget to bring me my souvenirs.... ^_^
P/S:i didn't post up any photos of my haircut coz really short...

just now went to Pacific for bowling with my family...my dad,mom,god bro,sis and myself....my sis's nail so damn long and dirty and she kept on saying she didn't wanted to play because u know la...she scared her nail break...haiz....so "ai mei"...haiz...no eyes c...nothing much happened today...actually thought wanted to go play badminton with my dad god bro and sis one..mana tau my mum wanted to play bowling....this afternoon i felt really down because i heard something bad that i didn't wanted to hear but was expecting....haiz....i also dono why that person will like that..this time,he has gone too far and i don't think so anyone can help him anymore...just hope he'll think properly before his next decision....
Written at 6:20 PM on Thursday, November 29, 2007
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the other night after my farewell party,i was so tired and busy with my packing that i did not have tim to post up photos of me and my friends at the party...if i was to post all of it up,it would take ages..so i would just post a few of those...just those of the clubbing kakis..the rest i will upload it into friendster la k?well,these are a few photos of the clubbing kakis....
scroll down
Written at 6:08 AM on Wednesday, November 28, 2007
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it's been quite long since someone gave me an award..tq for your award..it means a lot to me...

Written at 3:25 AM on Tuesday, November 27, 2007
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was talking with carly and i suddenly asked her why still dowan Oi Oi...then suddenly something hit me and i remembered back all the sweet memories i had with the girls...
Carly,remembered when me and stephy kept talking those baby languages like pom pom and oi oi....at the staircase,me and stephy was talking and i asked stephy,"go back home wanna pom pom?"and stephy replied,"yes.." and Carly suddenly scold Stephy,"pig"...me and stephy was like,"huh?"...because Carly though pom pom meant sleeping...
what about the time when Stephy,Carly and me did that cooking adventure...the porridge with sausages and luncheon meat and the soup one ...and when the soup didn't boil we were all wondering what was wrong..mana tau actually stephy din't open the power....
and girls,do u remember the PCD dance u guys did?haha...you guys were laughing all the way...edna and chen hueh laughed till they fell down from the bed....and when sharon break dance....and when me and carly went into edna's unlocked room and we lock her room latch and they can't open the door from outside and didn't know that we were inside and abby was like,"hao sen chi o"....me and carly was like laughing hard so silently in the room and finally we couldn't stand it anymore and opened the door for them....and the time when we did the acting in class for mr yee's assignment and stephy was hong fei's wife and she said,"lou gong!" and we laughed so loud...
and the time when we took photographs with mr chen...and we were laughing so loud,so many people stood outside our classroom and laugh along with us...
and when we went jogging in the morning and edna and me walked and after that we walked to al salam and rainie ordered toshai bawang....and when abby's birthday do u girls still remembered what present you guys gave her..and she was so shy and her secret recipe's birthday banana chocolate cake...and you guys chose the banana out and then we continued on with our dancing...
and the impromptu trip..stephy kept on,"let's go seremban" when she saw the bus and we were like ok la..let's go...den after a few times,she stopped saying so d.....and the time when kai yang,jess,wilson,carly and me went for yam cha and we got lost and wasted so much on the toll fees when we went two rounds.....
and the time when we were painting at night and carly,we were playing with the brush and laughing so much but couldn't laugh loudly because my roomie was sleeping....and those times during law night when we sat by the food and how we were the first one to get the food...
so much more memories....if i was to list them out,they might take 18 months....
haiz...all those shall now remain as memories which i shall keep for as long as i don't havealzheimer...they shall remain as my precious....thank you guys for giving me those memories....
btw,i just found out that priscilla's cantonese name is chua pei si.... hahaha!!!PEI SI....
oi oi=sleeping
pom pom=bath
sen chi=miracle

chen hueh is now officially a member of blogger...i've already link her to my sidebar..go visit her blog ba....now only waiting for edna and stephy to open their blog....faster la u two....don man man tun tun...chen hueh said that she wanted to join the dancing club in college next year...i wonder will she really join??or just hot hot chicken shit....shall see soon!!!
Written at 9:39 PM on Monday, November 26, 2007
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my laptop is working so well....and so fast...all along in hostel,my laptop move so slow...i think it's because of the INTI connection la...i don't think so there's anything wrong with my laptop...haha!so i decided not to take my laptop for formatting anymore....wonder what's everyone doing now?enjoying their holidays?edna going to china soon d....i also going to thailand soon o..but just for the weekends only..edna go for half a month...carly also going holiday...in the estate...with astro...wow...just like abby...ch also going lots of place...don't forget to bring back souvenirs for me o....
Written at 11:40 PM on Saturday, November 24, 2007
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wanted to post this on saturday but didn't had enough time:
just now,after abby went home and edna and rainie and her hazel went to concert,the hallway looked so dark and it felt so empty...can't believe that when we return in january,it won't be the same anymore...no more edna,stephy,jess,jasmine and all those leaving one walking to class or to anywhere else with us...felt like i'm parting with my family...well,but i know that life still have to go on and i do wish them all the best and hopefully they will achieve whatever that they hope to achieve after A-Levels...girls and guys,do take care of yourself k?don't give up even when all things go the wrong way.....work hard enough and i'm sure you'll surely find your way....
wanted to post this last night but my laptop's wireless button gone haywire....now it's ok d:
just reached home and felt so tired...i don't think so i will be able to have my evil plan of sleeping for two whole days because ever since i came back home,i've been pretty busy..my mom will be going off for her meditation trip for a whole month soon and i'll be at home with my dad and god bro and sis and maid....but i will be going for holiday,someday soon....haha!well,i guess,abby seems to be the most pity one because she said she won't be going for holiday during the holidays....but her house got astro wei.....haiz...such a rich kid...and she has internet....o,btw,most of them said they wanted to open a blogspot and abby's has already started...go to my sidebar and find hers and link her la...my house has just added a few more family members....i now have a poodle and a dalmatian....yippee..shall upload their photos when i'm free...later wanna go upload the photos we snapped during graduation...84 of them..so many right....hmmmphhhhh......of course,i looked stunning that night...haha..no la...actually,i think all of us looked like clones in uniforms....hehe!
STPMers are having their exams right now and i wish them all the best....chu leng finishing her exam on the 10th...can't wait to meet up with all of them.....

though i kept saying i don't wanna cry but i did...yesterday,at the end of the farewell party,everyone sat in a circle according to their respective classes....everyone's class got so many people but our class only consist of,Jess,Chen Hueh,Abby,Chay Da,Edna,Carly,Stephy and me.....there were two more but Jasmine and Kar Yean went back earlier....we sat in a circle and talk about stuff that we wanted to tell each other...good and bad points....Jess started of first and suddenly out of no where,my eyes felt wet...then after that,it kept getting worst with each one saying touching stuffs and funny stuffs....and when it came to my turn,i wanted to finish my "speech" but i kept choking on my tears...thus i didn't say much...i really love my this batch of friends...not only those from my class but my friends from the science class as well..even though we weren't from the same class but we still hung out together and i wanted to tell you guys how much i appreciate you being there for me through thick and thin,being away from home during the early weeks of A-Level had been really tough on me...i kept crying myself to sleep because i was home-sick...but a friendship was formed and then it slowly blossom....i just wanna tell you guys,i will never ever forget you guys and you guys were like my second family....please do take care of yourself and may you guys achieve whatever you guys were hoping for.....
Christine Glass-My Love Will Get You Home
If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.
If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home.
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.
If you ever feel ashame, my love will get you home.
If its only you to blame, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home
Boy, my love will get you home
Boy, my love will get you home
Written at 6:13 AM on Friday, November 23, 2007
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i had been listening to the song Graduation by Vitamin C for over 4 hours while packing up my stuffs....and preparing presents for my friends..maybe my heart got used to the song d and maybe tomorrow,even when i hear sad songs,i will still not cry.....feel so sleepy now but at 10 30 going to practice the dance and the song with my coursemates again....wah..my room so clean d now....not really la...still haven't sweep and clean the dust....lazy d..shall continue my spring cleaning later....now feel hungry la...wanna finish watching my drama..so then,i won't sleep...what a great idea....ok la....no need study d...so relieved....yippee......
Written at 11:37 AM on Thursday, November 22, 2007
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November 20, 2007
Weehoo!!! It's Over...
Yeah!!! A-level is finally over....I AM SO HAPPY!!! Though the last paper was quite sucky but really thanks a lot to no one for not helping me so much...By the way, I've told my classmates tonight i want to play until i have no energy to move anymore. but so far now i still did nothing except sitting in front on my laptop and online. Things I've done after my last paper, Online with status "ONLINE"
Didn't bring along any books to KL-cos i'm not in KL
Be crazy till my classmates can't stand of me
Will be having Jogoya or T.G.I. Friday for dinner-in my dreams
Do some "SS" session with my friends after exam finished *ss=syiok sendiri*-evryday oso SS d...
sigh....relief...finally finish my last paper..happy...later at 5 having dono what rehearsal and later at night going out for lok lok with all my classmates...happy..so happy la...tomorrow i sure cry like dono what one....haiz...

13 hours 27 more minutes till i finish my last paper...wooohoooo!!!!can't wait for it to end...den after that,i wanna sleep for a very long time without worrying about not studying...and when i go back home,i really wanna sleep for at least 12 hours straight....and i wanna play whole day and not touch my books....but in another 11 hours 27 more minutes,i will be sitting for my TORT paper d....my negligence totally not prepared la..hopefully don't come out a lot of negligence questions lo...because if can avoid,i sure will avoid negligence questions one....shit la...my head so much cases now,and some are from CONTRACT...haiz....just can't wait for everything to end la...i wonder how will everyone's expression be after the last paper...sure got people will complain one..and people saying,"it's ok la...don't think about it d,over d"....and sure got people rushing back to sleep....hehe!
Written at 8:15 PM on Wednesday, November 21, 2007
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yea yea!i finished my ECONOMICS and CONTRACT LAW d...so happy....bwahuahuahua!!!!but tomorrow is my TORT LAW....haiz...so scared i might forget all the cases when i went into the exam hall....haiz....just wanna study tonight...hopefully will do well la tomorrow...must "pai pai,po pi" again...blek....
if u really don't wanna take over daddy's work,it's ok..no one will blame u one...u pick la whatever job u want..but i wanna warn u first o...the working life outside really very tough one ok...since daddy already has his own clinic d...den if u take over his job den after studying out,u ma can have your own clinic d lo..u don't have to work for someone else first or worry about the capital anymore....no one will force you to do something that you don't like one k?if you really don't wanna follow in daddy's footsteps den you tell me la...i try work things out with daddy and mummy they all la k?but make sure you think properly o....really got lots of advantages de o...
Written at 11:22 PM on Tuesday, November 20, 2007
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tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be damn tight la....I'll be having two very tough paper in one day and only 5 hours in between....i didn't feel the tension until now when i looked through the past year papers of Econs and realize how difficult it is...i totally let go of Econs after my Econs Paper 3....haiz....and after that,i'll be having my Contract Law..after memorising page 2, i forgot page 1...shit la...screw me....and then,the next day,i'll be having my Tort Law d...don't know what the heck is the Cambridge people's problem...give us such a timetable....bloody fools....arghh!!!damn geram la....and feeling so sleepy now...i'm going to bed soon...if not,tomorrow might not have enough sleep and might fall asleep halfway through the exam.....i feel like smacking someone right now...feeling so nervous and scared that i might not do well.....
feeling so emotional after visiting my own blog and after listening to the song....i shall not cry on the night of the farewell party...i shall not....ok la..if got ppl cry then i also will cry la...i hate this....well,on the other hand,i'll be finishing my A2 soon and tomorrow,i shall put up a new post with the title:6 down,1 more to go..damn,last paper d....feeling so happy and yet when i think of the separation with most of them,i feel so sad..... *sob sob* totally not making sense at all...i'm such a senseless person... *doink*
Written at 9:38 PM on Monday, November 19, 2007
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the owner of the dead squirrel(Carlill) wrote this on her blog about..none other than me....
Queen Bee:
You're the one person I really, really... and really never expected to get along so well with. You were so quiet when I first met you. And those distinguishing blue contact lens of yours! If I am to blog about you, it'll most probably take me up to 3 hours!!! Just really glad to have someone to look out for me in the things I've neglected in life; and I'm glad to have done the same to you too.
You were so quiet when I first met you<---say that i'm not quiet a now?
And those distinguishing blue contact lens of yours!<---not that obvious only la...i shall do the same when i enter degree...i wil be very quiet the first few weeks...
actually,i'm a very quiet person..no la...let me rephrase...actually,i can be a very quiet person if i want to,just don't like it when everyone feels uncomfortable being around me ma...that's why i choose to be who i am lo...
P/S:why la wanna call me Queen Bee..i'm not evil also...
i just changed the layout of my blog....hopefully no one will complain cannot see again...let me repeat,hopefully,NO ONE will complain about my layout again..especially those OLDER than me one and blur blur one....i memorize so many cases d but like still unprepared la...i'm so dead..hopefully,i'll be able to pass my A2 la...pai pai,pai pai,must po pi me...hehe!i wanna continue my degree....
pai=praypo pi=bless

i'm in such a holiday mood right now..i don't wish to study for my exam right now la....i wanna sleep for 48 hours and only wake up to go 'shee!shee!' and sleep back.....i feel so tired and lazy and lazy and tired right now!i'm such a whiner....cannot!i shall not be this way..this shouldn't be the life of a student...i wanna continue studying d....my sifu(Stephy),Abby and Chen Hueh will be sittin for their last Chinese paper at 4 30 PM....i wish them all the best and even though i know they will get As...i still wanna wish them good luck....
Written at 12:15 AM on Sunday, November 18, 2007
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someone send me a message in Friendster after i told her if she just wanna add friends in friendster just to collect them,then don't bother adding me....she replied me with:
Thursday, 15 November, 2007 12:42 PM
Re: hi
owh~okok~~im sorry..i din mean tat..i juz wanna make fren wit u, tats all..bt if don wanna b my fren, its ok..i understand..I SINCERELY WANNA B UR FREN..
p/s:im a good fren u noe?? (at least tats wat my frens said)
i have nothing to say...just found myself smiling after reading this.....
Written at 8:35 PM on Saturday, November 17, 2007
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it was and always will be hard for me to say goodbye...it had and always will be...even when i was young,saying goodbye to my cousins had always brought tears to my eyes...i really hope i won't cry on the night of the farewell party....i kept on thinking about it and i ask my course mates but they said they think they won't cry...i really hope i will be able to control my tears but knowing that Edna and Stephy leaving would really bring tears to my eyes....they were really close to me...besides that,all of my course mates will be leaving except for Abby,Carly,Chen Hueh and Jasmine....Abby,Carly and Chen Hueh will be pursuing their degree in INTI...Jasmine might take ACCA....but the rest are really unsure..the science class students are mostly if not all going outstation for their degree...all of them are rich kids...i think i might be the poorest among all of them....that is why,as the Cantonese saying goes,"different people got different lives.."

INTI is trying to starve me to death...all stalls at dining hall and cafeteria are closed....luckily i have some food in my room..otherwise,i might have starved to death d....these few days,the weather damn hot la...yesterday,i cooked spaghetti and boiled vegetables and garlic bread for tjin and Kerry...Kerry won't be attending the farewell party so yesterday was probably the last time i see her before getting our results...her last supper(quoted from Edna)....gotta tend to my books d...still got so many cases haven't memorize....
Abby told me today that Carly's wishlist is out on her blog d...so i decided not to visit her blog...so i won't know what she wishes to get....i also heard that all the things on her wishlist ain't cheap...and it ain't short..see la...i'm the most practical one...short and cheap stuff only...and since my wishlist came out first,i'm sure everyone had read it ade...so hopefully,when i celebrate christmas or new year,my present would be with me as well..... ^_^
Kerry will be going for vacation soon d...damn envy her la....Edna also going for holiday...Chen Hueh too....hmm,i wonder,will they think of me and buy me souvenirs during their vacation there?haha!*seriously*
P/S:i sound so evil right?always wanting present all the time....well,i probably am....besides that,i'm just such a present-hogger.....
Written at 1:15 AM on Friday, November 16, 2007
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most of my friends finish their exams d...well,for some it is just beginning like those sitting for SPM and STPM but "fei"Shan and Phey Yee have been struggling through their exams and they're done with it d....even Priscilla finished her exams d and she went home just now..such a sucky feeling la...make me felt like being in the holiday mood d...sucky nia....not that it sucks for them but it truly suck for me....haiz....really can't wait for exams to be over la...i wanna get home d....i wanna go for a holiday....i'll be at home most of the time....sucky again.....the word 'sucky' reminds me of Rainie...the other day when we went out for football,Carly,Rainie and me,we saw some guys smoking pot...no,not the tobacco type..the sweet smelling type and well,i had always wanted to try it out but no worries..i didn't....i ask Rainie to go ask those guys to let us smoke for a little while...*we were just kidding around*....well,Rainie tried to show us how she would ask...she said,"can i suck?"...we were laughing away...if a girl went up to a guy and she said those words,what would one think?and we tried to predict what the guy would say in return....would he say:
"what?in the open?"
"come on,baby..*unzip trousers*"<--if he did this,i think i would kick him at his ball...
"no...thank you for your offer"
or..or...or...he might just scream....
p/s:this is such a random post....
Written at 8:23 PM on Thursday, November 15, 2007
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my christmas wishlist this time around is just so short...it's practically unbelievable...well,if any of you guys notice,my christmas wishlist is out d...you guys can scroll down to the bottom and c....just two gifts only...so can share share money to buy ma...see la..i so kind..think for you all...and all those reading this....don't act as if you can't see it...it's there...big and clear....

well,the end of A-Levels is really very close d...i can't help it but seems to feel sad....well,there are some people that i just started getting to know them and it's already the end...even though,i can't wait to start my degree in January,i'm still sad that A-Levels has to end this soon...even though,it has been 18 months,the friends that i have made,made me felt so happy and i'm proud to have them as my friends...

Friends forever
Hello you, who makes me smile
I'm glad that you're here
You're existence makes my life worthwhile
To me you're very dear.
You cheer me up whenever I'm down
You're always there for me
When I'm in need, then you're in town
Your kindness sets me free.
We don't always agree on things
Sometimes we even fight
Anytime when I return under your wings
We always set things right.
Time will fly and you might go
To where is still not clear
But when you leave I'll let you know
My heart will keep you near.

these few days,i kept having weird weird dreams...yesterday,i dreamt that my head bleed so much and when i touch it,a piece of flesh...as big as a piece of bread came off...then after that i woke up d...this morning,i dreamt that i was back home and i was driving my sister to tuition or something and i stopped for a while to buy some biscuits....and when i came out,the car was gone and my sister drove it away...and she doesn't even have a licence...so when i got back home,i scolded her and she threw her tantrum....she said she drove to go eat with my maid in the car...and after that when i went out from my house,the outside of my house had turn into something like Las Vegas..with lots of colourful billboards everywhere....den i fell asleep again..hoping to continue on with my dream....and after that,i dreamt about something else which i had forgotten...i think something might happen soon...everytime,when something bad happened,i would always have weird dreams....when my friend past away,i woke up in sweat....but i just brush it away....when my dad fell,i had a vision of it too and the feeling just won't go away..and feeling worried,i decided to just msg home and a week after my vision,my dad really fell....i hate it when i have these type of dreams...hopefully everything will be fine...hopefully,everyone just stay safe ok?take care of yourselves...the world is damn dangerous d now.....
Written at 3:22 AM on Wednesday, November 14, 2007
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just came back from supper with Abby and Carly,two very beautiful girl who have no power to control the way they solicite people...went out for lok lok and pool but there were a few Indian Guys who keep on,"good evening","hello"...haiz...and they were neither young nor good looking....they were horny ah pek..geli...during our pool game,because Carly wanted to shoot the pool ball in,she needed some space for the cue and when the an Indian guy was blocking her way,she said "excuse me!" which ended with the ah pek thinking we wanted to talk to him....he came over to our table and started stricking up conversation which none of us wanted to continue..just kept on smiling and after a game,we went out...couldn't concentrate but the last ball was the nicest because Carly would've won but the ball even tough it ALMOST reach the hole d,the ball just wouldn't go down..so finally i won..well,most of my balls were lucky shot though... well,came back feeling so tired and wanted to go to bed but watch an episode of home alone 1 with Abby and now blog a little while and later,i'll be going off to bed d...damn tired!btw,Carly slept from 3 PM - 10 PM and we didn't went for basketball because Abby FFK-ed us because she said no one will be playing with us and Carly was sleeping the whole afternoon....Pris and Natalie and almost the whole gang will be going to Genting on the 24th of November...so nice la they all..didn't even bother to invite me...saddening....hope they have fun and get drunk that the bouncer has to drag them out of there....
Written at 7:03 PM on Tuesday, November 13, 2007
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on the farewell party night,got a few people would be singing songs...kinda like super idol..haha..well,i was just thinking out loud just now,"why don't we dance instead?"...i said i could contribute the choreography of my first ever dance i did for my school performance....the title of the song is the "halfway around the world" by a*teens...i was watching their video and so many memories went through my mind...during that time,everyone wants to dance this song...i even argued with a few friends because of this...well,this was the first time i choreograph a dance and it turn out quite well....and then,a few friends of mine who was in my group sold me out to another girl who wanted to dance this dance for the gathering night which i was not going...then,i got really angry...actually,i didn't know what came over me but i think it was because they did not ask me for my permission to use this dance...silly of me right?well,sometimes,i can be really protective of my stuffs...well,in the end,they didn't use my dance and finally,we are all friends again..but thinking back of all those memories really made me feel silly and some sweet memories as well.....

sometimes after seeing some websites,magazines or gossip tv talk about actress,singer,actor ,i reall do feel sorry for them that they are being the topic that people talk about..did they asked for it or is it just that people are just that busy body and just wanna know about everyone else's business?one such example would be britney...i think every single move she make is being watch....even when she shave her head,people wanna know why and when and what and everything else...sometimes,it's just none of our business and you guys shouldn't push her till she break down....recently,it was said that she's taking some kind of pill which would make one happy...well,ok la....i'm just as kepo as everyone else...but thank god we are not like those paparazzi chasing after the famous people....hmmm,if ever one day,my life became like this,what would i do?well,don't have to think so far because i will never be...
btw,the new SAW will be released soon d..Carly would love it so much...she's a total gore chaser..just the same as Rainie...the other day when we(Natalie and me) went for dinner with Carly and her parents,when her parents ask us what don't we eat,carly answered,"they'll eat anything"....do we look like rubbish bin....tsk tsk tsk....i don't eat many things ok...i don't eat disgusting food..i hate bitter gourd...i hate tasteless and bitter vegetables....ok la...this is just for Carly to know...so that next time she'll know i'm not a dustbin....i thought she knew me better..haiz...i know she don't eat cucumber and those vege that have a bad smell..she hates aubergine...she love the tofu from the mix rice stall in the dining hall....and the fried chicken and she loves the anchovies and peanuts which her mom brought for her from home(she loves to eat it just like that or with plain porridge)...she hates the feeling of hating people but she just can't help it because people tend to bring out the side she don't like in front of her...ok la...enough said la...if wanna write bout her can write like forever la...

wa....today paper many susah la....haiz....and got a stupid invigilator,the hp keep beeping..bladiful..make me keep on losing concentration...but well,at least i finished all the questions on time though i dono how many of them are right...after that,i went for breakfast with my coursemates and they were commenting about my post before this..the one about the contact lens....i REALLY DOWAN tell you guys that i really want it...i really dowan tell u all one..serious....i was just thinking...hmmm,christmas seems to be just around the corner....what is christmas all about?hmmm,presents right...wonder what i would get for christmas....just wondering and not trying to imply anything....so in the end,i just wanna say,u guys can get me hmmm,maybe the contact lens?btw,so many people open blogs d..introducing Kerry and Natalie...if you guys wanna visit their blog den go to my Elmos and Big birds at the side bar la....tonight,there will be a basketball game...well,no one really wants to play with us...so anyone wanna come?we are noobs and we totally don't know how to play basketball.....
Written at 8:44 PM on Monday, November 12, 2007
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anyone wanna get me this as my christmas present?btw,my power is 325 for both eyes...haha!very cheap only...really....if don't believe me den go ask the optician...i gotta go get a christmas-birthday-new year-valentine present for Carly...haiz....but i can only give it to her when we meet next year....in January,my results will be out....what if i can't get through and can't be in degree?haiz...not-so-smart people just have so much troubles......if only i was smarter and am a better willed-power person....
see that mood thingy on the right hand side?hehe!cute right?i got it from hsu leng's blog...i'm so kepo...sorry o..stole your stuff,chu leng.....well,i write this post just to tell her that i stole her things and hope that she ain't angry....
some lame jokes i picked up from KL Central:
Question:what type of shampoo does a Catholic uses?
Answer:Head and Shoulder
Question:what type of shampoo does a Christian uses?
Catholic uses Head and Shoulder because of the way they pray...they put their finger on the head then the shoulder...
the Christian one because they always "Rejoice!,Rejoice!,Rejoice!"
after a whole day of not being able to online..finally....I'M BACK!i don't know why but Extreme BroadBand(EBB) shut all our Internet connection...what the heck!probably because they thought we were all short sem-ers....Carly,Natalie and me were chatting in the common room while eating McD and Nat said that she wanted to go burn down the EBB and she said that Monday sure got lots of people go the EBB centre to confront the few nerdy looking guys working there and i was thinking..if everyone went there threatening to burn down their office if they don't fix our line,how would the face of the workers look like...just thinking about that make me laugh...haha!sorry!shiok sendiri here....
sei lo...i'll be having my econs paper tomorrow...scared lo...econs had been my weakest subject all along...probably for that,i do not like it..i would prefer law over econs at any day...but i really do like all of my lecturers..they are all just as special..but i simply LOATHE exams.....hate hate hate!!!
my dear friends who are taking STPM...i wish you guys all the best and may all of you pass with flying colours...
Written at 5:17 PM on Saturday, November 10, 2007
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cat meant your future spouse
dog meant yourself
glass bottle meant love
forest meant death
swing meant first night after marriage
i got all sorts of reply but i shall post out those that i feel stood out the most...someone told me:
cat is animal
dog is domestic animal
glass bottle is cute
forest is romantic
swing is exciting
haiz....my econs exam wil be in two more days...my mind is like a blank canvas....i'm dead....
Written at 8:52 PM on Thursday, November 8, 2007
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yesterday,i hang out in Edna's room for a little while and Abby used the time to ask me a few very weird questions...you guys should fill in the blanks k?den I'll explain what each one means...
cats are ___________
dogs are _____________
glass bottle is ______________
forest is _______________
swings are ______________
for every blank,fill in a description of the object...
my answers were:
cats are not cute
dogs are cute
glass bottles are sexy
forests are scary and dark
swings are romantic
tell me your answers soon k?

i visited quite a number of my friends' blog and it seems that everyone is feeling kinda down this few days..being away from home,exams and personal problems...feel so bad for all of them...i used to feel so but knowing that my exam will be over soon and that I'll be going back home soon really made me feel much better...i don't know what I've been doing these few days...seems like I've wasted so much time....can't wait for study life to be over...i think i might be a workaholic when i start working...well,that's all in the future...sometimes,being able to predict the future might be a good thing but if you're able to predict death,i don't think so that's such a good gift.....being alive is like a lollipop..it could be colourful like the colours on it..it could be just as difficult as the process of making it and just as troublesome if it gets water and drip the sweet sweet syrup everywhere....O!what a bad metaphor...anyways,my mom will be going to Bangkok today...wish her a safe journey and don't forget to bring something back for me...^_^
Written at 1:55 PM on Wednesday, November 7, 2007
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Sorry for eating the peanuts
A man visits his aunt in the nursing home. It turns out that she is taking a nap, so he just sits down in a chair in her room, flips through a few magazines, and munches on some peanuts sitting in a bowl on the table.
Eventually, the aunt wakes up, and her nephew realizes he's absentmindedly finished the entire bowl.
"I'm so sorry, auntie, I've eaten all of your peanuts!"
"That's okay, dearie," the aunt replied.
"After I've sucked the chocolate off, I don't care for them anyway."
Practical joke on his ex-girlfriend
The soldier serving in Hong Kong was annoyed and upset when his girl wrote breaking off their engagement and asking for her photograph back.
He went out and collected from his friends all the unwanted photographs of women that he could find, bundled them all together and sent them back with a note saying,
"I regret to inform you that I cannot remember which one is you --
please keep your photo and return the others."
Carly "delivered" my breakfast to me through msn....unfortunately,it's inedible...cute right...but i think it was dyed a little too long..that's why even the yolk is pink....
Father And Mother,I Love You
You know, it's kind of sad that we don't go saying things like "i love you, dad" or "i love you, mum" anymore. While on the other hand, these words went on auto mode to those who were barely in our lives. Don't go looking at me like "Oh no, not me." I swear i've seen you going "i miss you, dear", "I love you, dear". Or perhaps, to your friend you had once said "i love you".Yet for our parents who has been there all our lives, gave us everything, when was the last time we gave them those words?When was the last time i've said those words to them? When has i stopped? It seems now it's so hard. But i've let them know. Yes, i had.
i try showing them that i love them by smsing them and telling them "i love you" before hanging up the phone...well,have any of you guys done that today?
pardon my language in my previous post...i was just expressing myself...well,a friend of mine send me a photo of a cartoon character because she said,that guy in my previous post look like that cartoon character
well,anyways,to celebrate my blog's 200 post,i'm going to post out 200 people who have had made my life so special and meaningful...the numbers does not go in order...so no matter what number u r..u r still important to me.... daddy
mummy(thank you guys for taking care of me and having faith in me even when i thought i couldn't make it through)
my sister(you helped me be stronger just by being my lil' sister and i know i have to protect you all the time)
vijaya(for being such a caring god bro)
cherrie(for being such a good god sis)
weng soon(for loving me even when i have so much flaws)
carly(thank you for being there for me when i needed a friend and for listening to all my ranting)
hsu leng(thank you for letting me know that i could be better than who i am)
edna(thank you for being such a good friend,not only in studies do you help me but you have thought me the value of life)
stephy(for being my sifu and teaching me life's value)
kai tien(for telling me all the sweet and sad stuffs going through your mind)
daphne(for being my close friend in secondary school)
chen hueh(for learning yoga with me)
abby(for letting me hang out in her room all the time)
mr yee(for being such a good lecturer)
mr reynolds(for the cold jokes in class)
mr chen(for letting us out all the time)
wilson(for bickering with me all the time)
eva(for bringing the hari raya treats back for us)
avis(for viewing my profile all the time)
march(for your interesting post)
jasmine(for being such a good sport and keeping us chilled all the time)
jess(for being such a good "big sis")
phey shan
phey yee
phaik sim
alice(for letting me eat the junk food all the time)
rainie(for eating my salt and still say it's tasteless)
chui chui(for being my good friend and telling me what's right and wrong)
tze vin
tern chern
fong wee
su lian han
tan wee yeong(for being such a jerk in the wee hours,CELAKA!)
ooi kai fen
vivien goh
vean chun
vean tat
siew wei(for being such good cousins)
teh chuann ling(for being my grandma back in school)
ooi kai xian
lim wan wee
jean marie
choo su-i
tham sook chan(for being my roomie)
Yap Ee Chyi
fook lee
hui xian
wee keong
tze yeow
jia chen
ming yiean
natalie(for chia'ing' me&carly chilis before going to India)
priscilla(for pushing me during basketball all the time)
dwen tjin(for playing cheat during basketball
wei xiang(for still not giving me my RM 8 usb port)
tan yee yinn
caryn gan(for showing me that love conquers all and it's ok even if u do hurt ur love ones later on)
dennis michael flynn(for being y sem 1 mentor)
dexter(for being such a good contributor in DC++
Diane(for being my childhood friend)
edwin(for being my faraway cousin who i only meet once in a while)
jun wei
kai sinn
kar yean
kok hau
lai yeng
hong fei
melissa keong
tan mon ping
mi mi(for being my mom's good friend)
peter song
pey ling(my dad's cousin's daughter,my cousin lo)
ang qiao shuan
ng see chun
steven from SPCA
yee pang
yi ming
kerry(for betting on my queeny)
cheah new
tong cheah mann
ee chiet
shien ly
yee waye
aik san
janice tan
ashley(my aunt)
chun kong
deborah hiew
deborah wong
dwayne(for cheating my RM 100)
edwin(for being so rude)
mei fern
iong ling
kai yang(for being such a "good" navigator)
ci long(for taking care of Jasmine)
suat jee
mavees(for remembering me)
shi yun
su wei
jessie lim
su yen
sock yong
su quin
kok ming
mogan(for teaching me the cowboy dance)
sasi(for doing the beat box)
wei yoong
ling hui
yee ween
yee wen
xin ying
yoong sze
yoong hui
zi wen
xin yun
tzer yih(for being such a cute cartoon)
yun tat
yen ting
kasturi(for checking out leng lui all the time)
chanxy(for fetching me to KLIA)
lai yee
siew ching(for testing my food when i cook them)
ivy(for being the first girl i talk to in INTI)
herma(for wasting so much time of mine)
sharon,edna's x-roomie(for showing us some break move)
yi ming(for crapping with me some time)
hui ting(for letting me sit on her bed)
wong sue may
alvin(for giving us such an inspiritional speech in class)
li sien(for telling me that if i came out of the room later den 5 min b4 class,i might as well skip it)
Lim Su-Quinn(for having patience to write this post)
Congratulations! i've finish it....