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She was Once
%1 %2 %4 %5
Waiting on her
Written at 3:53 AM on Saturday, January 14, 2012 26 comment(s)

Can't wait to meet my baby sister.... She's coming home!! Yippee!!!!!

Location:Jalan 3/109f,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia



Happy times are always short
Written at 10:38 AM on Friday, September 9, 2011 0 comment(s)

Waiting to go to KL soon... Just came back from UK and a shorter still trip to Indonesia .... Can't believe I'm going to have to start school again soon... And it's so annoying that I have to take CLP before I start working... Why can't this be easier?!?! Was suppose to go look at the new house( the place I'm moving in when I'm in KL) yesterday but felt really heavy hearted to leave Penang... Comparing UK and Penang to KL... For sure UK is no fight as the distance is certainly further away... ATC Is offering the first year of CLP this year, but I was to chicken to go try it out... Besides, me being such a lazy person, knowing going to somewhere that doesn't spoon feed me is a no-no...

Anyways, mumzie's fetching me to KL today and my 918372645 stuffs down... Lol... And what's even lol-er is that I'm coming home with her on Sunday as there won't be any classes on weekdays for two weeks hence, my class will only be on Saturday and Sunday this week... *happy*

Location:Lorong Sepakat 2,Bukit Mertajam,Malaysia



Suicide isn't that bad....
Written at 2:21 AM on Saturday, August 20, 2011 0 comment(s)

was web hopping ( or whatever it is called ) and I came across a webpage which I find amusing yet derogative... anyway, it's about suicide (click on <----) and don't get me wrong.. I am not contemplating about whether or not I would like to commit such an act.... Just find him funny and the hate mail it generates is massive.... sometimes, I sit back and wonder "is anyone really willing to do anything for fame and fortune?".... anyway, I'm still packing (anyone surprised?) and I know I should have been done by now but look at what I'm doing right now?? blogging.. out of all the things that I should have been doing.. such as CLEANING MY FRIGGING HOUSE!!!! and since everyone left... I'm all alone in the house... sad sad... wishing my maid was here... hmmmphh!! but then again... seeing how she gives my mum heart attack everytime my mum asked her to do something, maybe it would be better if I chuck all the stuff away myself.. lol...

ARGHHHH!!!! can't believe I'm LEAVING...

but then again, I'm going home to these....
can't believe I haven't even seen the youngest one yet.... see how cute he is?? can't wait to hug him like he's a teddy bear... lol... hopefully, he won't feel suffocated...

and and and....
can't wait to go to Indon and visit my baby sis....
might blog tomorrow about all the people I meet here....
procastination has taken too long and I still frigging need to go bank in money for the shipping company tomorrow and buy the all butter scones which my mum loves Oh-so-much....

a little shoutout to all those who took some time out of their busy schedule to celebrate my bday with me .....

Thank you guys so much...
Was complaining to Tara and Hannah that this is the first birthday that I celebrated without a birthday cake and they went and got me muffins.. and their's pink... so instead of one cake, I got six....

and the next day, went for dinner with Yuen, Ser Reen and May Reen.... was stuffing ourselves with all our left overs and whatever that we could find, and when we were all so full, Ser Reen was like, " should we eat dessert now?" and since I vaguely remember Yuen saying she's got ice cream at home, I was like "yeah!!! time for ice cream" and they were distracting me with me talking to May Reen with my back turned towards the door and suddenly they turned off the light and brought in the cake, I was genuinely surprise... Thank You so much guys.... I really appreciate it!!!

Love you guys so so so much!!!!!



Au revoir, my fellow companions
Written at 12:16 AM on 0 comment(s)

My time here seems so short even though it has been almost a year... and I am thankful that I met lots of really nice people here... you guys make my experience here so special... and everyone of you are unique in my mind.... thanks to all those people who accompanied me here from INTI...
Ser Reen
: thanks for standing by my side in times when I need u the most... and dying my hair as we speak... lol.. I just want u to know that I appreciate the friendship that has blossom as we were never that close before... will try to put more effort into making this friendship last.... and I most definitely hope I can be there for u as much as u were there for me...
: I was glad when we finally made peace with all the misunderstanding and even with ur million and one pattern, I'm still glad that we are friends....

P/S: stop balding ur hair... u look better with some fur on u.. lol

and then came and met
: thanks for cheering me up with all ur silliness and all the little fights we keep having... lol... and did not tell u this before but u actually brought me out from a very "dark place"....

Jing Wei
: Thanks for being such an understanding friend and being the sweet one who always say good stuff about me even though everyone else was bullying me... hahaha!!!! u were always the one who wanted to know the facts from both sides of the story before making a decision and I admire you for that...

: even though I did not know u for long but I am thankful that I met you and even though u did not like me before, (lol), I am happy that we finally got together and can't believe that we have so much in common.... we even have the same taste in guys... yippeee!!! but wished that we would were on common grounds before and we would have enjoyed each others company more... and wishing you are going to get your BBC finally... really hope we are going to meet again some time in the future....

: Ade, u r the one person that I know the shortest period of time throughout my stay here and yet u would not believe the impact u made on me... I believe that u r a very strong willed person and I love the way you give ur illustrations , eg: "if anyone dare to agitate me, I will give her a tight slap"... I am gleeful to have met u and do meet up with me when ur back!!!!!

Tara & Hannah
: I can't believe my luck to have met u guys.... knew that joining BAR school would not be a mistake.... LOL.. even with all the drinking (which is not much at all if my Mum and Dad are reading this ) and the memories in Amsterdam (which I truly treasure always), I am still glad, especially knowing u guys were there to hear me whine and u guys have no idea how thankful I am that I was out with u all the night that I was such a handful... *winks*
: better not lie to me when u promise that u guys are gonna come visit... gonna miss u guys loads and promise to keep in touch!!!!!

Jessica (or Becky for Laurien)
: thanks for being so crazy all the time and I am so happy to meet u at Lounge on the Farm... all thanks to the person who invented the portable BBQ... LOL... keep up the smiley face and the wacky clothings... and let me know when u finally decide to come stay with me.... hahaha!! welcoming u with open hands....

on a final note, I know that there are some of u ( u know who u r) that was or are still unhappy with me and were bad mouthing me, just to inform u guys that, if u claim to be my friend ( and being friends means talking to me when u see me, even at the back of ur mind, u might be thinkng that I am such a bitch), I am truly disappointed that u guys would not come up to me and tell me about the things that I am doing that are making u guys uncomfortable.... I am not blaming u guys for anything because I believe that no one human is perfect and I sincerely believe that I am deeply flawed... LOL... and if u think that what u did was truly for the greater good and u believe every word that you uttered to whomever you are bitching to about, I am happy that u still care enough about me to bitch about me, but try to be a better friend by telling it to my face....

but to all those who confronted me, I am glad that I have friends like u guys and thanks for at least giving me some time to listen to my side of the story...

I love u guys so much and to those who I might not meet for some time or maybe ever, i bid to u " Au revoir".... and to the rest, " see u soon, i guess?"



Happy Birthday.. to me!!!
Written at 7:49 PM on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 0 comment(s)

celebrated my early Bday celebration in London this year.. it was fun, I guess...
It was really funny how the night turned out.. as usual, had pre-drinks to get us tipsy and I brought the rest of my alcohol down since I'm moving out soon and don't wanna bring any of it back.... (I can't believe how much garbage I've collected over a period of 11 months and packing has been seriously hectic!!!!) anyways, brought down 2 litres of dirty pint and 1 litre of Smirnoff Espresso... was suppose to be drunk by the end of all that but probably because of
all the adrenaline pumping through over being excited, hence, did not even got drunk and Jess said " this cannot happen" and she bought me a bottle of wine.. drank it over at McDonalds
where Myles gobble down 3 double cheese burger.... and we were so tipsy when we arrived at the Tube Station... anyways, we took the tube from Queensway and probably got out at Oxford Circus (note the probably) and as we were walking out, Myles had to go and say "what's up, " to the man that was watching the turnstiles.. and there was a commotion when the guy said that he don't appreciate anyone using that language around him... and just as we were about to walk away, the transport police or some police of some sort came down the escalator... and at that moment, I was not thinking of "shit" or "oh oh !" .. I was actually thinking of the scene in Kung Fu Panda 2...
well, did not tell anyone this as it does not seem appropriate then... anyways, Myles got arrested... ARRESTED ... well, don't know the outcome of the whole thing as I had to head back the next day and he spend a night in prison... well, we did end up going to a Gay Club called Fire and well, we just kept running up and down to see Myles in prison and not allowed and going back to the club and apparently, we took a trip on the horse carriage

which I don't even remember!!! lol....anyways, all in all, it was a good night, went to a gay club and watch someone going off to lock up!!! sad but funny...



Experience with Ryan Air.... AGAIN!!!
Written at 5:37 PM on Saturday, July 30, 2011 0 comment(s)

Not gonna be posting a long post this time around... Got to Munich last night and was frigging annoyed as I was flying with Ryan Air... It's a low cost airline around EU countries and it's kinda like AirAsia in Malaysia... Anyways, was going through the security check in where they rampage through everyone's bag and they stupidly not put things back.... They list my contact lens case which was really annoying because I don't know where to keep them
Now and guess what, I just used a glass last night!!!!

Anyways, chilling out at Starbucks at Munich's rail station....

PS: this morning's breakfast was awesome with over 50 kinds of cheese!!!!

And a billion choices of drinks and yoghurt and fruits....

Shall update more soon... Gonna catch a train to Salzburg... Toodles!!!




Those first few nights
Written at 4:28 AM on Friday, July 29, 2011 0 comment(s)

My dad's been here for a few days now and our real holiday began on 25th July 2011 when we went to Bath and Stonehenge for the fourth time... I know.. Lifeless right? Well, somehow... Those stones and the serenity of the place never fails me...

Yea... Me dad and the world famous Sally Lunn's Bun... But seriously... Don't find anything special about it and it cost frigging £1.60 , and it just taste like those bun that you could find on those Indian bread vendors on the bike... Which would just the most cost u RM 1...

Anyways, after a very very tiring day(stayed up all night doing my frigging coursework), it's off to Manchester... No one would fail to notice Old Trafford once anyone mentions Manchester...

Was too near when I snapped this photo... And I even got to go in to the player's changing room and stuff... Should have smelt the seats... Haha... Might get some farts out of it ....

I know this might seem weird but the one place I like most in Manchester was the bathroon in Ashton House where I stayed...

The transparent door

The FM radio

The shower for your feet

The vanity mirror

The LED lighting and top shower

Jacuzzi for the back

Anyways, spent two nights in Manchester and this morning, got a bus down to London....

Well, might all seems fun and well, it is but I had to wake up really early all the time and I'm such NOT a morning person....

Well, it's 9 27pm... Guess that's my bed time if I want to get up at 5am...



When I'm bored
Written at 1:23 PM on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 0 comment(s)

Just finishes making some paper butterflies... Gonna stick
them on my make up when I'm going out clubbing but for now, they're just gonna stay here looking pretty...


Location:Trendlewood Park,Bristol,United Kingdom

